Visual poems and prose have multiple shapes - portrait, landscape or other forms, which is why it is difficult to place them in a standard structure. Preferably, this page should be watched on a desktop monitor to benefit from the poems' physical size. I've written a ton of poetry over the decades; below you find a small selection, with the exception of poetry that is too piercing to publish, particularly in these days of unveiled censorship. Click on images to view them in a lightbox. Scroll or click to return to the page that contains the poetry viewed.
Concerning the content of this poem, it probably is the most important I have ever written (for the time being), because one never knows what is true.
I wrote this prose somewhere around 2010, out of the blue, which is the best source to obtain creative ideas. My pen name in poetry sites in long gone days used to be Rage of Reason.
Mankind is a tiny dot within a minute spec inside a vastness beyond measure, whose greatest talent is to love and care.
A number of enigmatic ancient artifacts assumedly are portals to higher realms.
Snake charmers and snakes are each others masters, as are life and death.
Some invitations to party are irresistible, but once there, things turn out to be very different from what you hoped for before.
Yes, I love jaguars, even if they can be rather cynical and unfeeling at times.
Life in the physical plane plane leaves a lot of space for horrors to take place, especially those of an abominable and repetitive kind.
Cure or kill - it is no ordeal to choose to the jaguar with the red rose.
Pessimism beats optimism quite often. Do not give up hope - all will be good as Nassim Haramein says towards the end of the linked video.
When we cough, we say: 'Excuse me', when someone sneezes, we say: 'Bless you', but when a person farts, we think: You smutty slob.
Alleged pillars of society behind the veil often are perverse, deranged plonkers. Those worshiping such monsters from before the veil absolutely either are misinformed or are just too ignorant to live.
The future in linear / cyclical time is fluid and is set by the frequency of the quantum field that each of us is. That should put all of us straight.
It is a good thing that nature gave man the intuition to understand and feel the people that he sees.
Evil prefers to wrap itself in kindness. Peek through the veil.
If one comes to think of it; many of the so called truths that the church has claimed were 'messages from heaven', are in fact blatant lies.
Rare talents are rarely known.
Most have no clue that the digital realm merely is a furtive upgrade of the analog one that has an even stricter control of its dwellers; their resources can be terminated at any time, which basically puts an end to the possibility to exist for physical beings in the physical world. People know this, but prefer to ignore it, which is bonkers.
In this poem the rumour that goes around in the family is reflected.
Symmetry and geometry are deeply embedded in life. They always have permeated and fecundated it. So embrace this fertile relation and allow yourself to enjoy the ride.
One has to wonder who or what chose the chosen ones and for what reason. Are they the brain dead leadership of today or obediently bonkers sheep? It's very confusing.
The resumes of today's leaders must include sexually perverse preferences, stupidity, unfeeling, ruthless, soulless, satanic, being easy to manipulate and blackmail, which are items they prefer to keep far away from the public view.
In the Nag Hammadi texts it reads that Jesus spoke in parables to the crowd, so they wouldn't grasp what he was talking about (which he intentionally did...), while he later spoke in detail to his disciples.
A statue of Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction, an obscene occult rite at the re-opening of the system, rumours of the LHC spewing strangelets, black holes and opening portals to other realms. Who is not to love all the fascinating and otherworldly scientific results?
Those that are appointed to take care of things, quite often make a mess of it that is difficult to repair. It is the life mission of bureaucrats.
Creation created a bunch of things, most of which we are unaware of. But as long as we are, we must settle for rubble, hoping that it is transient. Meanwhile we continue to reward conjurers of rubble.
We have no clue what the universe is really like. Our imagination falls short terribly and our ability to reason is not even near where it should be, to even gain an inkling of where it is supposed to be. So.....
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy said in a speech of 1961 before the American Newspaper Publishers Association: 'The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society.' Today the woke lot knows nothing of it. Some two years after the speech, JFK was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Who killed him still is kept a secret up to this day. FOIA records are severely blotted out.
There is quite a lot more to The story of Adam and Eve than how it is told in the bible. Chan Thomas wrote a book about it. But the CIA 'sanitized' the book and left only 57 of the original 232 pages. When asking properly trained AI systems (cough!) about the suspicious page reduction, it said that it was caused because the CIA removed all the blank pages at the end of chapters. Yeah right..... The CIA knows when the pole shift will occur, the 'elite' have their deep underground bunkers and the rest will die.
Although a cat was chosen to feature in a scientific thought experiment, the feline did not give a rats ass about the scholars' plight.
The Dunning-Kruger syndrome has spread at an alarming rate because the tyranny of the woke inflicted the gullible with a negative IQ.
Those that don't make an effort of independently figuring out what life in this dimension really is about, are heading for a future with many more stints in this cyclical prison.
For centuries mankind has been trained, deceived and poisoned to senselessly obey dogmas and laws, regardless of what their nature is.
In a previous life I wasted heaps of time on poetry sites where my pen name used to be 'Rage of Reason'.
Those that have suffered an unrelenting education often are the most reluctant to consider perceptions that can dispose the instructions they have learned.
When looking at the world, one can't help but wonder if the divine plan in fact is a good idea.
There are shitloads of money hidden in off ledger accounts and an a huge number of metric tons of off the record gold stashed away. All the worlds problems could easily be solved with them in a short time. But is is used for other means. Inspired by the research of Walter Bosley.
The human brain is an interface to the rest of the universe; a tool physical beings need to exist in a material dimension, while simultaneously suffering from the limitation it allowed to cripple it.
Trains run on tracks from which they can't deviate. Many people allow similar limitations to be imposed on themselves and never go off the rail, even when knowing that they will get killed. You may consider asking yourself this: Is being alive and not knowing worse than being dead and knowing? Depending of course on what kind of knowledge matters to you......
Silencing the clamor of the conscious to enable hearing the wise whisper of the subconscious probably is the best way to gain knowledge that makes sense.
This is a tiny scribble in Notebook.
Bees are attracted to honey and flies are drawn to shit. Evil powers know how to set a trap for all kinds of victims they desire to abuse by setting up a trap they can't ignore.
The isn't just a war between predator and prey, but also among predators themselves.
Don't you love it when poetry has taken on some visual form? Even if you're not supposed to like it by the self appointed decency police and the censure terrorist moderators, of which there are none on this site.
Mercenaries and snipers are the most intensely detested armed guns in existence, but there are some that shoot dissimilar from the rest.
The human language, as it is expressed by the late, great Terrence McKenna, is a limited and paradoxical means to communicate. The most feared and widespread code that scares the wits out of the living, is an algorithm called fear.
As the new world order rushes towards disorder, on the horizon looms an order of a different kind.
This poem 'Nostalgia of love' is not about one person, but about the entire human race that has become addicted to deceit, torture and abuse, being censured, plundered, poisoned, exploited and murdered. Just to mention a thing or two.
Brilliant children dwindle in common schools and often stoop down to survive, because others are incapable to crank themselves up to the level of the intelligent kids.
We can build space ships to travel through the expanse of the universe of just take a hit of DMT.
Mirrors are ruthless to the ugly and confused, while being supportive to the beautiful. But beauty is not just on the outside. Mirrors also are portals and reflect the inside as well. Moments of introspection at times are necessary to rebalance.
Misconceptions exist just about anything and I'm no exception to it. In the Chinese zodiac I'm a Snake and in western astrology Capricorn, a combo that I feel blessed with.
The heinous gang of deities is the death squad of the universe.
Some of us went through a Near-Death-Experience, while by far most of us go through a nasty Near-Life-Experience, which to many is a pain in the anal cavity. So when you end up on the wrong side of the grass, it in fact is being at the right side of existence, provided that you escape the soul hunters that will send you straight to yet an other stint of life in the woeful material dimension.
One of my very first attempts to create visual poetry of many decades ago. I thought I'd post it here out of nostalgic sentiment.
One time (....) there will be a book with visual poems and more. Stay tuned. 249 pages so far on February 6 2025, while I am still in the process of adding more poems and caption information. Click the image to download the book that is progressed to the above mentioned page, so that it becomes available in case I move to the wrong side of the grass before I hope that that event will take place.
I would like to express my appreciation to those that visited this page and wish them a nice day.